How storytelling can result in direct debits for your charity

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
23 Nov 2017

Christmas is one of the most important times of the year for fundraising. It’s also one of the most competitive times. But what if we told you that you could raise a considerable amount of money for your cause for a relatively low investment?

For their Christmas campaign ‘Pass the presents’ in 2016, we worked closely with Street Child and ran an effective social media campaign using our digital fundraising funnel. The campaign was run in three stages: grow, engage, convert with ‘engage’ using our Story Builder tool.

Learn how the charity invested less than £200 on Facebook adverts, to a warm audience that they had grown and nurtured, to inspire 11 Direct Debit signups, leading to a projected ROI of 3,200%.

With Christmas fast approaching, it’s not too late to start your campaign on social media. To read the in-depth case study on how Street Child engaged and inspired their Facebook supporters to dig deep at Christmas, sign up to the Lightful Community. It’s free!

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