Tag: Beth Kanter
Reclaim Social Podcast S02E01 – Beth Kanter
The first episode for S02 of the Reclaim Social Podcast is now live! 🎉 It’s been four months since the end of the first season and we’re ready to talk to more inspiring guests.
Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
13 Jul 2020
Top tips to get better at online meetings by Beth Kanter (video)
We’ve hosted a webinar last week with nonprofit expert, master trainer and author Beth Kanter to share tips to get better at online meetings. There are more meetings than ever happening right now, both internal and external ones. It’s easy to be tired, distracted, confused. That’s why we’ve asked Beth Kanter to join us in a practical and interactive session that will teach us how to improve our online meetings using Zoom.
Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
21 Apr 2020
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