Tag: Leadership

3 ways to help your leadership team learn about digital

When we asked charities to tell us last year what the key issues were that they faced in digital, the main challenge wasn’t tools, data or platforms. It was about people, and specifically, leaders. In the 2018 Charity Digital Skills Report, which we run annually with Skills Platform, charity professionals told us that they expected greater digital leadership.

Zoe Amar
13 May 2019
Six ways to fit social media into your day job

This is a guest post by Nikki Bell, winner of the Social CEOs Rising Star Award.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
19 Nov 2018
The books that made us

There are some books that just leave such a lasting impression on you, either personally or professionally. A good book will change the way you think, feel or act. Here, we share just a few of the books that made us.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
06 Nov 2018
Ten social good leaders you should know about

This is the last of our ‘Ten people you should know about’ series and this time it’s the turn of the leaders. We want to highlight ten leaders, in the social good space, who we think should be on your radar – if they’re not already! We’d also love to hear who you think is a great leader so we can follow them – let us know by tweeting us @Lightful.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
17 Sep 2018
Ten fundraisers you should know about

As you all loved our ten charity digital people you should know about, we thought we’d share ten fundraisers you should put on your radar too. Ok, we’ve cheated a bit in that there is one couple, so here are (technically) eleven fundraisers you should know about! This is the second in our three-part series.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
16 Aug 2018
Three reasons we’re championing The Charity Digital Code of Practice

When Carlos, Johnny and I founded Lightful, it was to give charities and social enterprises access to the best technology, at an affordable price, so that they can create bigger impact for those they help. We were frustrated that the sector, as a whole, wasn’t making the most of the opportunities that technology offers so we looked for a solution that would help them save time, raise more awareness of their cause and make it easier to raise funds too.

Vinay Nair
17 Jul 2018
Top tips from social media managers

This Saturday marks World Social Media Day. To celebrate, we thought we’d ask social media managers for their top tips. Enjoy!

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
25 Jun 2018
Three ways to build digital capacity at your charity

There’s no escaping the fact that, when it comes to digital, the charity sector is behind. This is why Vinay, Carlos and Johnny started Lightful – to give the sector (who deserves it the most) access to the best technology at an affordable price. The latest Charity Digital Skills Report 2018 by Zoe Amar and the Skills Platform shows that 45% of charities don’t have a digital strategy and 51% cited a lack of skills as a barrier to digital. Whilst we are making progress (the numbers improved from the year before), there’s still a way to go.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
11 Apr 2018
What does digital transformation actually mean?

‘Digital transformation’ is a phrase that has become a bit of a buzzword in the sector over the last few years but what does it actually mean? We put this question to the experts and here’s what they said:

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
06 Apr 2018
Six phenomenal women leading the way

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women, whilst calling for gender equality. To mark the occasion, we’re highlighting incredible women who are leading the way in the charity, social enterprise and technology sectors.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
08 Mar 2018
What does it take to be a Social CEOs award winner?

Lucy Caldicott is the CEO of UpRising, which is a UK-wide youth leadership development organisation. She also sits on the board of the Fundraising Regulator and is Vice Chair of Fair for You Ltd. Lucy has been a Social CEOs Awards judge since the inception of the awards in 2013. Here she shares how the awards have changed over the years, what she looks for in the winners and what it means to be a social CEO.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
17 Nov 2017
10 Top Twitter Tips For CEOs

The Social CEO Awards are fast approaching and we are delighted to be a sponsor this year! The awards shine a spotlight on, and recognise those, CEOs and leaders who are using social media for social good. The awards look to inspire and encourage other CEOs to see the benefits of using social media and how it can help their charity. We thought we’d share ten top tips with you to get you started.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
26 Sep 2017

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