Tag: major gifts fundraising

How to use social media for major gifts fundraising: Solicitation and acknowledgement (part 2)

In the second post of this two-part series, we look at ways in which social media can play a role in soliciting major gifts fundraising, and the stewardship and acknowledgement piece that every good fundraiser knows is crucial to building long-term, meaningful relationships. Missed Part 1? Start here.

Erin Niimi Longhurst
31 Aug 2017
How to use social media for major gifts fundraising: Identification and cultivation (part 1)

Individual giving and campaign teams in non-profits and social enterprises have become more and more adept at using social media, but often overlook, or don’t systematise, the role that it can play for major gifts fundraising.

Erin Niimi Longhurst
31 Aug 2017

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