Tag: Thought Leadership

7 things every small charity can do about The Charity Digital Code of Practice

There are so many things you can do on digital, even if you are a small organisation with a limited budget. This morning I was working with a small, volunteer-led charity (the PTA at my kids’ school), and they were wondering what to do about the range of social networks that are out there, how to make more of their website, how to do more with data, how to use digital to fundraise and how to structure their content around what parents want. If a small, brilliant charity like theirs doing great work to raise much-needed funds isn’t sure where to start, then there must be thousands of others in the same situation.

Zoe Amar
15 Nov 2018
Three amazing TED Talks for charities

Did you know that TED started as a one-off conference in 1984 where technology, entertainment and design converged? Hence the name today. They’re also a nonprofit whose mission it is to ‘spread ideas’.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
15 Oct 2018

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