Category: Twitter

Solace Women’s Aid – #HiddenAbuse and the use of Twitter’s hidden replies

#HiddenAbuse from Solace Women’s Aid was one of the most discussed charity campaigns over the last few weeks. The creative use of Twitter’s new hidden reply feature led to an impressive engagement.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
12 Mar 2020
Five tips on how to run a Twitter takeover for your charity

Last week, our very own social media manager Tereza Litsa was invited to take over the @NonProfitOrgs Twitter account for the day to talk about #ReclaimSocial, a campaign of ours that has also evolved into a podcast series – emphasising the importance in spreading positivity on social media.

Shona Johnson
Relationship Manager
10 Jun 2019
The best charity April Fool’s posts

The charity sector is of course very serious business – with charities addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, abuse and health conditions to name a few. Once a year though it’s perfectly acceptable for charities to have a laugh and not take themselves too seriously. I’m talking about April Fool’s Day, of course! Here are some of the best charity April Fool’s jokes we spotted:

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
01 Apr 2019
Keeping up-to-date with Twitter’s posting rules

Twitter can be a very powerful channel for your organisation to increase awareness and engagement. However, you need to follow the latest updates to make sure you keep up with their rules.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
18 Mar 2019

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