How we’ve started to #ReclaimSocial

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
07 Feb 2018

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in #ReclaimSocial yesterday – we even trended! But it’s not over yet. This is a movement, not a campaign so we need you to keep the hashtag alive!

We are delighted that #ReclaimSocial has already been featured by Third SectorCharity Digital News, Charity Times and UK Fundraising so thank you for your support.

How has the message spread?

So far, #ReclaimSocial has had 16M social impressions from 1,500 posts and over 1,000 people and organisations have taken part.

Here are just a selection of some of the amazing #ReclaimSocial posts by charities and individuals.

Let’s keep #ReclaimSocial alive! Keep using the hashtag in all your social media posts that celebrate good people, good work and good causes. Together we can make social media more positive and turn it into a force for good.

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