#ReclaimSocial 2021 – you were all wonderful!

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
11 Feb 2021

Last Friday we celebrated #ReclaimSocial – the annual day where we get together to share positive and inspiring messages on our channels.

For the fourth year running, #ReclaimSocial filled us with positivity at a time that we all need it the most. We’ve counted more than 3300 posts on the day and 24m impressions and most importantly, 97% of messages had a positive sentiment!

This means that many of us saw our feeds filling up with inspiring posts and new amazing people to follow.

#ReclaimSocial throughout the year

If you’re interested in finding out more on how we can #ReclaimSocial throughout the year, check out these pieces of content:

Looking at a few of the posts

Every single post made a difference. Here are a few of them to fill you with hope on what we can achieve when we all come together for good.

From stories of impact to thanking supporters and donors, there is always a reason to be part of the #ReclaimSocial community 💜

Thanks for being part of our community, let’s make sure we share more inspiring posts on a day-to-day basis!

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