Social media round-up for charities – #12

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
07 Mar 2019

Welcome to our 12th social media round-up. Keeping up with all the changes to social media platforms is hard so we’ve done all the hard work for you! We’ve scoured the internet to find, and curate, the latest social media news – and what it means for your charity.

1. Instagram tests fundraising sticker

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for! Instagram is testing a fundraising donation sticker in Stories for nonprofits. It was uncovered in TechCrunch and Instagram confirmed the story by saying, “Later this year, people will be able to raise money and help support nonprofits that are important to them through a donation sticker in Instagram Stories. We’re excited to bring this experience to our community and will share more updates in the coming months.”

2. Facebook announces new Group features

Over the last couple of years, Facebook has invested heavily in Groups in a bid to bring people closer together. They’ve announced a whole host of features including the ability for admins to change the text size of their posts, add block quotes and bullet points to help them stand out. They’re also giving admins the ability to provide further information to members who have broken the Group rules, which will improve communication.

3. Respond to Instagram messages from Facebook

Admins will now be able to respond to messages on Instagram through their Facebook Page inbox. This is part of Facebook unifying all their messaging apps so that admins can manage messages from one place instead of having to check various platforms. As social media managers are likely to spend more time on Facebook, this will help streamline moderation and save time.

4. Social Media 2019 Industry Benchmark Report

We often get asked about benchmarking for social media so we thought we’d share this 2019 Social Media Benchmarking Report from Rival IQ. It benchmarks 12 industries, including nonprofits – although it’s not UK specific. It should be helpful if you’re looking to set KPIs.

Interesting reads

Here’s some articles and blog posts that we found interesting and think you might too so grab a cuppa and get reading!

Latest articles

Grantmaking: beyond the financials - An interview with IKI Small Grants

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Digital Engagement Manager
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The WHYs and the HOWs of Digital Strategy for nonprofits

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Digital Engagement Manager
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