Tag: technology

How nonprofits can assess and prioritise their digital needs to be more resilient

Nonprofits embraced digital technologies during COVID-19 in order to continue delivering their services and reach their beneficiaries. However, the transition was not smooth for everyone, and there were many obstacles they had to navigate.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
26 Nov 2021
How charities are using chatbots

In our Lightful Predicts Charity Digital Trends for 2018 blog post, our Community Manager Jennifer Rose predicted that the robots are coming. Chatbots have huge potential for the sector – from providing information to bringing supporters closer to the cause. In this post, we share examples of charities who are using bots to raise awareness, engage and even fundraise. We hope it will inspire you to create one.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
01 Mar 2018
The Lightful Story

Hello and thanks for tuning in. When a few of us got together to set up Lightful, we really wanted to help strengthen relationships between people who want a better world and the great causes making it happen. It’s thrilling to see it start to come together, and I’m so pleased to welcome you to our new website, new brand and visual identity, and the resources / blog part of our site.

Vinay Nair
30 Aug 2017

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Pumulo Banda
Relationship Manager

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