Tag: social media for good

Six ways your company can get involved in #GivingTuesday

What’s Giving Tuesday, I hear you ask? Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving and takes place on Tuesday 27th November. It follows after Black Friday and Cyber Monday to counteract the consumerism of those two days. It’s about making one day count by giving time or money to good causes and it’s really easy to get your company involved. Last year it raised over $300 million globally! In the UK it always trends all day long on Twitter and this year over 2,000 charities have signed up to take part. So how can you get involved?

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
13 Nov 2018
Standout moments on social media

To mark World Social Media Day on Saturday, we asked a few people in the sector what their standout moment or moments on social media have been. Some have chosen personal moments whilst others have chosen moments not related to them. One thing is for sure, social media has certainly proved to be a force for good.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
28 Jun 2018
How charities are using chatbots

In our Lightful Predicts Charity Digital Trends for 2018 blog post, our Community Manager Jennifer Rose predicted that the robots are coming. Chatbots have huge potential for the sector – from providing information to bringing supporters closer to the cause. In this post, we share examples of charities who are using bots to raise awareness, engage and even fundraise. We hope it will inspire you to create one.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
01 Mar 2018
How we’ve started to #ReclaimSocial

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in #ReclaimSocial yesterday – we even trended! But it’s not over yet. This is a movement, not a campaign so we need you to keep the hashtag alive!

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
07 Feb 2018

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