Tag: UX

Exploring the benefits of remote workshops

There’s been some anxiety in the recent global shift to home working. Here at Lightful, we’ve shifted to homeworking, which has been an adjustment in terms of how we work. The change, however, has perhaps been less drastic than we’ve thought. I’m happy to say that many of us here at Lightful have pushed forward, and have, among other things, facilitated a new special Covid-19 related cohort of our BRIDGE programme.

Vikram Singh
Senior User Experience Designer
09 Jun 2020
What is Service Design and what does it mean for charities?

Although Service Design is a well-established discipline, it’s not mainstream in the charity sector. I spoke with Giulia Merlo, Service Design Lead at Cancer Research UK to discover more about the discipline as well as how charities can incorporate it into their work.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
21 May 2019
How and why to create personas for your charity

Do you know how some adverts totally resonate with you and some don’t? The reason why the ones that resonate are so effective is because they have been specifically targeted at you – and others just like you. Whether you like it or not, you fit a brand’s persona and they’re creating content to try to encourage you to buy their product. Can charities do the same? Absolutely.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
22 Mar 2018

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