Category: Content

8 ways to improve your social media content calendar in 2020

January is the time when we’re gearing up for getting organised in 2020! It’s the perfect time now to take stock and start planning for the next 12 months. Luckily, we’ve got eight ways you can improve your social media content calendar to supercharge your content in 2020.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
13 Jan 2020
How charities got involved in #GivingTuesday 2018

Yesterday saw the fourth annual Giving Tuesday in the UK and once again, it trended on Twitter all day. No doubt CAF, who runs Giving Tuesday in the UK, will release some stats of how much was raised in due course but for now, let’s take a look at how charities got involved.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
28 Nov 2018
How charities got involved in #YouMadeItHappen

Yesterday saw the sector come together to shout loudly about the impact made, thanks to supporters, donors, volunteers, fundraisers, funders and staff, using the hashtag #YouMadeItHappen.

Vinay Nair
20 Nov 2018
Four charity campaigns with stories at their heart

This is a guest post by Helena Hastings, Digital Officer at Sounddelivery.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
20 Sep 2018
How charities marked World Emoji Day 2018

A little birdie told us (ok, our built-in awareness days calendar) that it was World Emoji Day on Tuesday.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
19 Jul 2018
Charities winning at Pinterest

This blog post comes with a caveat. Whilst the heading implies that the charities below are ‘winning’ at Pinterest – meaning they are using it successfully – they are and they aren’t. Keep reading and I’ll explain why…

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
08 May 2018
A round-up of London Marathon charity content

Sunday 22nd April saw over 40,000 runners take part in the Virgin Money London Marathon with over 2,000 charities benefiting from their fundraising efforts. So far over £45 million has been raised for good causes. We take a look at some great London Marathon content from charities.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
26 Apr 2018
How #UniteForParkinsons is a masterclass in user-generated content

User-generated content is gold dust for charities but how can you get supporters to create their own content for your campaign? Wednesday 11th April was World Parkinson’s Day and Parkinson’s UK, along with their supporters, took over Twitter with the #UniteForParkinsons hashtag. We spoke to Kat Cimetta, Senior Digital Marketing Officer (social) at Parkinson’s UK, about the campaign.

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
16 Apr 2018
How charities tapped into April Fool’s Day

I don’t know about you, but I love seeing what organisations come up with for April Fool’s Day and whether they’ll catch me out or not. Over the years, charities have been upping their April Fool’s game and some of their stories are really convincing! Here are a few that I spotted. Were you fooled by any?

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
03 Apr 2018
How charities can use the power of visual content in social media

A quick look at the most popular social platforms shows that social media has become more visual through the years. As it becomes harder to stand out on news feeds, images and video can help you create more appealing content.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
06 Mar 2018
Three charity campaigns that #ReclaimSocial for good

Social media has become quite negative. But it wasn’t always like this. We want to #ReclaimSocial for good and focus on the positive side of social media.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
30 Jan 2018
Does your charity really need a blog?

Does your charity really need a blog?

Kirsty Marrins
Digital communications specialist
07 Sep 2017
The Viral Effect

The No Makeup Selfie, the Ice Bucket Challenge, the BBC Interview Kid – these events have become part of the public consciousness due to the viral effect, having been shared frequently by thousands over a short period of time. And charities, of course, are keen to create their own viral content.

Erin Niimi Longhurst
30 Aug 2017
How To Create A Social Content Calendar

Some of the best social media success stories for charities weren’t planned – things like the unprecedented number of donations for the #NoMakeUpSelfie or the timely response to #TheDress by the Salvation Army in South Africa were all due to excellent social listening and speedy content creation.

Erin Niimi Longhurst
30 Aug 2017
The Power Of Storytelling – Create Content That Moves People

Whether it’s a captivating book, a TV show you can’t stop watching or the tale of a friend’s adventure, a good story makes your feel something. That’s the magic of storytelling, it allows you to tap into people’s emotions. Since we can remember, stories have been moving us, they can make us laugh and cry, feel happy and sad, inspire us and discourage us (and sometimes all of the above). They are the most powerful tool we have to capture people’s hearts, minds and imaginations.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
30 Aug 2017

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